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30-Day Water Fasting Weight Loss Results

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What is water fasting | Types of Water Fasting | Pros and Cons of 30 day water fasting | Water Fasting Weight Loss Results

If you look at the most common New Year’s resolutions, one resolution always finds itself in the top five: weight loss. With more and more people interested in making positive changes for their health, it’s no wonder that the weight loss and weight management industry has grown to billions in market value. In this article we will dive into the pros and cons of a 30-day fast.

What results can you expect on a 30-day water fast?

Results vary person to person, however there have been weight loss results of up to 30 pounds in a single month. Be sure to consult with a health professional before starting this type of diet. There are risks involved that you must be sure to be aware of.

There are A LOT of weight loss products, programs, methods, and tools out on the market today and deciding where to start can be overwhelming to say the least. Some are really researched and science based while others aren’t. 

There are many reasons to try a new weight loss strategy or method, such as if one is suggested by a medical professional or you’ve done some research and it’s a well established strategy to lose weight. However, like the old saying goes, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” And this definitely applies to weight loss programs and diets. 

With so many different approaches to weight loss, it’s no wonder that fasting has gained popularity in recent years. Although practiced for thousands of years for both religious reasons and health reasons, it’s made a comeback for being on-trend in the health and wellness world.

lady fasting

A quick Google search will show hundreds of different fasting methods from Intermittent Fasting to water fasts. Fasting is simply the restriction of food intake for a specific amount of time. 

Recently, the most popular form of fasting has been Intermittent Fasting. Many have found success with weight loss and improvement in certain health conditions while intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is based on a schedule of fasting hours and eating windows which leads to overall calorie restriction. 

Water fasts have gained attention as a way to achieve rapid weight loss. These types of longer fasts come with many health risks and should only be done under medical supervision. Some claim the benefits of water fasts include reduction in body fat and improvement in insulin resistance and high blood pressure. 

While there are certainly benefits to fasting, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before embarking on a fast. In this article, we’ll explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of this approach to weight loss, personal stories of 30 day water fasting weight loss results, and help you determine whether it’s right for you.

glass of water

What is water fasting? 

As the name implies, water fasting is simply restricting all food intake and only consuming pure water. Some who practice water fasting include other liquids such as green tea or bone broth, but still avoid food intake.

Even though the idea is simple, it is a very strict method of fasting and can be extremely difficult to follow. Through this severe caloric restriction, body weight can drop quickly and drastically. The main reason people try water fasting is for its weight loss benefits but some practice water fasting for overall health and religious reasons as well. 

Those who follow water fasting should be very cautious when trying this type of fasting. It’s a good idea to listen to medical advice, especially if you have certain health conditions, before attempting this type of fast. 

There are several potential benefits to water fasting which include: 

One recent study showed quick weight loss results after following a medically supervised 8-day water fast. The participants also experienced reduction in body fat and felt overall less stress. However, it’s important to note that they also experienced dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and the researchers felt that continuing the fast would be dangerous for the participants’ health. 

Before a fast, it’s important to gradually transition to a healthy, whole foods-based diet to prepare your body for the fast. This includes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, while avoiding processed foods, sugary snacks, and alcohol. During the fast you cannot drink black coffee if doing a water only fast, you are supposed to stick to water, but coffee will not break the fast if just plain black.

The best way to prepare for a fast is to slowly reduce caloric intake over a period of days, making your last meal very low in calories. After the fast, it’s best to slowly reintroduce solid foods, starting with easily digestible options like soups, broths, and small amounts of fruits and vegetables. Gradually increase the complexity and volume of your meals over several days to allow your body to adjust to eating again.

Water fasting isn’t a one-size-fits-all to weight loss and there are different types of water fasting. It’s important to remember that most of the health benefits can be seen with the shortest type of water fasting which is 24-72 hours. Water fasting for longer periods of time comes with more health risks and should only be done under medical supervision. Below we will go over the different types of water fasting for you.

Types of Water Fasting 

There are different types of water fasts which depend on the length of time during which you would practice water fasts. In general the shorter the fast is, the less health risks and need for medical supervision.

While water fasting can be effective in promoting short-term weight loss and detoxification, it is not recommended for everyone.

Those with certain medical conditions or who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid water fasting or do so under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It’s also important to properly prepare for and break a water fast to avoid potential negative side effects. Below we will review different types of water fasting. 

24-72 hours 

This is the most popular type of water fasting since it is the shortest duration. This type of fasting is a popular method for weight loss and detoxification, as it allows the body to rest from the digestive process and redirect its energy towards healing and repair.

During a water fast, the body breaks down stored fat for energy, resulting in weight loss. Additionally, the body may eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the tissues over time. Some people may feel dizzy or weak during this time and may not feel like doing regular activities. 

7-14 days

This is an extended type of water fasting. It is often more difficult to practice this type of fasting since you aren’t consuming any food for up to two weeks. You would likely see more weight loss and more drastic changes in body weight during this type.

Drinking as much water as medically advised is crucial during a 7-14 day water fast to prevent dehydration and help flush out toxins. Dizziness and weakness as well as low blood pressure can occur during longer fasts such as this one which is why it is important to follow medical advice.

One study found that a 14-day medically supervised water fast improved high blood pressure in 68 participants. 

How to fast for 30 days?

This is another example of longer fasts and one that has been extremely popular recently. During a water fast, the body enters a state of ketosis where it uses body fat for energy, leading to significant weight loss.

It’s important to note that a water fast is not suitable for everyone. It can be mentally and physically challenging, and should only be attempted under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Prolonged fasting can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other negative side effects, such as dizziness, fatigue, and low blood pressure.

Muscle mass loss can also occur with this type of prolonged fasting, especially without physical activity. Proper preparation before the fast, and a gradual refeeding period afterwards, are essential to minimize these risks and reap the benefits of the experience.

So when you begin fasting, remember, LOTS of electrolytes each day to cover your minerals. Consult with a doctor before starting, and be sure you don’t have any underlying health conditions that may be an issue.

guy drinking water while fasting

Pros and Cons of 30 day water fasting

Proponents claim a wide range of benefits of fasting with 30 day water fasting, from weight loss to improved mental clarity. However, as with any dietary intervention, there are both pros and cons to this approach.

Below, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of water fasting to help you make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you.


Weight Loss

One of the primary benefits of water fasting is rapid weight loss. By consuming only water, your body is forced to burn stored fat for energy, which can lead to significant weight loss over a short period of time.

Improved insulin sensitivity

Water fasting has been shown to improve insulin resistance, which is important for those with type 2 diabetes or other insulin-related conditions.

Reduced inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a key driver of many health problems, from heart disease to cancer. Water fasting has been shown to reduce inflammation in animal studies, however limited human studies are available. 

Improved cognitive function

Some people report that water fasting leads to improved mental clarity, focus, and concentration.


Water fasting has been shown to induce a process called autophagy, which is essentially the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells and regenerating new ones. This can lead to improved overall health and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Improved Immune System

The rest to your gut along for what may be the first time in a long time, will allow your immune system to boost performance and work its magic.


Hunger and fatigue

For many people, the first few days of water fasting can be incredibly challenging, with intense hunger pangs and fatigue. In addition, symptoms such as headaches and dizziness can occur. 

Check out this article to help – How to deal with hunger while intermittent fasting?

Electrolyte imbalances

Without proper electrolyte supplementation, water fasting can lead to imbalances in key electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which can cause a range of health problems.

Reduced muscle mass

When the body is forced to burn stored fat for energy, it can also break down muscle tissue. This can lead to a loss of muscle mass and a slower metabolism, which can make it more difficult to maintain weight loss over time.

Nutrient deficiencies

Without consuming any food, it can be challenging to get all of the nutrients your body needs to function properly. This can lead to deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals, which can cause a range of health problems over time.

To make sure you are getting enough nutrients, I highly recommend MegaFood Supplements, click the link here to see what they offer. They are easily digestible, and are natural so no synthetic vitamins/minerals, and can be taken on an empty stomach during a water fast, and will NOT break your fast with most of their products.

Potential rebound weight gain

While water fasting can lead to rapid weight loss, there is a risk of rebound weight gain once the fast is over. Without making permanent lifestyle changes, it can be difficult to maintain weight loss over the long term. A slow and steady approach (losing about 2 pounds per week) is a more sustainable approach to weight loss making it more likely to keep the weight off. 

Not for everyone

It’s important to remember that water fasting isn’t suitable for everyone, especially those with certain health conditions like diabetes, those who are underweight, or those with eating disorders. The potential benefits of fasting would not outweigh the risks for those with these health conditions and should consult with a healthcare professional. 

Personal Stories of 30 Day Water Fasting Weight Loss Results

Below we found some personal stories from those who have tried water fasting. 

Mellay | My Story

“I underwent a 30 day water fast last month, which proved to be a life-changing experience for me. Throughout the first three weeks, I felt incredible – full of energy, with a clear mind and glowing skin. However, during the final week, I began to feel drained and realized that I wasn’t supplementing my body properly.

I learned that taking electrolytes and staying hydrated is crucial. Despite this setback, I successfully shed 30 pounds, which I have managed to keep off. My main goal in doing this fast was to jumpstart a new lifestyle and achieve hormonal balance.

As a result, I have eliminated simple carbs, sugar, and oil from my diet, and I consume more food now than I did prior to the fast without gaining weight. Additionally, I have stopped drinking alcohol. The fast also reset my taste buds, and I now enjoy foods such as broccoli, which I previously disliked.”

Giovani |My Story

Giovani water fasting

“I must admit that I have always wanted to undertake a serious fast. In the past, I tried a 3-day and 7-day juice fast, but I felt I needed to go deeper. I was ready to begin the fast without knowing what to expect, but I was open to any and all possibilities.

I anticipated feeling lethargic and irritable, as I did during my 7-day juice fast a few years ago, but the opposite happened. I felt amazing in the first week, and as the days went by, I felt better and better. During the second or third week, I began to feel aches and pains in my body. However, I read somewhere that old injuries would start to heal during the fast.

When I focused on where the pain was coming from, I quickly realized that these were old sports injuries. Within a few days, the pain had subsided. The theory is that when you start saving all the energy used to digest food, it gets diverted to other places like brain function and healing. In the first three weeks, I still thought about food a lot. I contemplated how I would eat and what I would eat when I was done, and this consumed me almost all day, every day.

I began to see how addictive food is and slowly realized that we don’t need to eat as much food as we do. We are responding more to cravings than a true need for food. After eating a certain way for many years, we’ll feel like that too. It’s challenging to explain, but you can see how closely linked food and emotions are.

The weight came off quickly – I lost about 30 pounds in the first 30 days.” 

Rita | Weight Loss Results

“15 years ago I came to Ireland, which changed not only my home and financial situation, but also began to change my attitude towards myself and others. At that time, I ate like a fitness model. Chicken, turkey, rice, beans, some vegetables, fruits, you name it.

Besides that, the food had to be weighed because I could not eat as much as I wanted. The quantities of the food were unusually small for me. While doing hard physical work and attending the gym up to five or six times a week, all I felt was a constant hunger. Certainly, my body shape was getting better, since I was on a diet, but a year later, I faced some serious health issues. Both of my meniscuses had degenerated and then I realized that just because you are athletic or lean does not mean that you are healthy.

I remember the morning when I woke up and I stumbled because of the pain that was caused by my worn out knees. I felt spasms daily, it was hard to stand up at all. One day, the problem became even bigger. I could not even walk anymore, as my knees had started to swell. I had been visiting various doctors and physiotherapists for years.

After meetings with specialists, surgery was discussed because I was not getting any better. While I was taking severe painkillers, the pain went away, but when I stopped, the pain was even stronger than before; and the medicine ruined my stomach.

So that is why I began to focus on my health and my body. I started to study nutrition. Time was passing by. I spent almost a year at home, only visiting doctors and a nearby grocery store. While I was trying to figure out the reason for my health problems, I met a friend online. He explained his practice of water fasting and Veganism. He told me how he had changed his lifestyle and cleansed his body and healed his arthritis. Then, I thought that there is no more time to waste.

After reading all the information I got from my new friend, I was ready to start a 34-day fast. For 34 days I did not eat a thing, and I drank water only(first 4 days dry fasted). Weeks later, I was walking again without feeling any pain.

And after thirty four days I felt like a different person. Sort of like a new, better version of myself. I knew that after such a challenge, if I wanted to remain healthy, I would have to change my lifestyle. Well, I have succeeded.” 

Mandy | 10 day water fast

“For ten days straight, I consumed only water, totaling about 128 ounces per day. Despite the lack of food, I emerged from the fast feeling even better than when I started.

In fact, I’m already planning another 10-day, or even longer, fast because I’m hooked. While the initial few days were grueling, with flu-like symptoms and caffeine withdrawal headaches, day four marked a turning point. From that point forward, each day felt better than the last, with a surge of energy and a glowing complexion emerging by day five.

Hunger pains subsided after the first couple of days, and I never felt hungry again. As an unexpected bonus, my weight dropped by 16 pounds, and my measurements decreased by 1 inch under the bust, 2 inches off my waist, and 1 inch off my hips.

Even more impressive was the surge of energy I experienced and the sound sleep I enjoyed each night. While weight loss wasn’t my primary goal, I’m completely satisfied with where I am now.” 

In Conclusion

While I personally have not tried a 30 day fast, as I don’t recommend it as it can cause quite a bit of unnecessary stress on your body, the weight loss results have been proven due to such a caloric restriction. This can be quite dangerous if not done properly, so do NOT do this without medical approval and supervision from your Doctor.

Water fasting can be a way to jumpstart weight loss and improve overall health. 30 days water fasting is a risky endeavor at times, so proceed with great caution, make sure you monitor your overall health day by day. As you can see, fasting for this long, weight loss results can be amazing, but it can come at a cost.

However, it is not without its risks and drawbacks (Read more about 10 Signs to Stop Water Fasting). Before embarking on water fast, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional and ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients and electrolytes your body needs to function properly.

We also have a Full Guide to Water Fasting, this will give you everything you need to know.

Additionally, it is important to have a plan in place for maintaining weight loss and making permanent lifestyle changes after the fast is over. With proper planning and guidance, water fasting can be a powerful tool for improving health and well-being.

The benefits can be amazing with Fasting, when done properly! For a more stable way to fast, you can try 16/8 fasting, 14/10 fasting, something with a shorter span that you can practice almost daily. This is a much safer method of Intermittent fasting, and can have HUGE benefits to your metabolic health.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not endorse or recommend this diet. Always consult a medical professional before starting any new diet or fitness plan. 

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Information on this document and our website is for educational and informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a dietitian, physician or another health-care professional. Consult your physician before starting intermittent fasting, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any medical condition, or are taking any medication. Read more here.